This is the work that we perform to make people aware of how important it is to have trees and everything that we bring to our everyday life almost without realizing it.
Trees have content knowledge in books
This is how we mean. Trees and nature has been around for hundreds and thousands of years. Through the trees we have managed to convey conocimientonos for years and years … Thanks to the trees, which have given us the role. It’s time to return the favor.
Last week we contacted a group of editors and people not linked to books in order to return to nature all that has given us. The aim is to make people aware of the importance of trees in our environment. We thought it was a great formula clearly link the power of nature with the editorial work carried out worldwide.
Keep growing
Thanks to the work that this group of editors and people not related to the book world is doing, we hope to get plant many more trees and to give greater impetus to the project.
We want to thank the whole team collaboration and predisposition who are having to help disseminate the project and raise a little closer to the people.
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