Everyone’s problem
The carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) that a person, company, organization, product or service, directly or indirectly emitted. The environmental impact that occurs is measured in CO2 mass. This means having a value in Kilos or Tons.
To measure the carbon footprint is a calculation made based on the habits of each person or whatever type (business, product, service). The calculations are internationally established and recognized by different standards such as ISO 14064, PAS 2050 and GHG Protocol among others.
If we talk about a business or organization, the standards used are different from those of a product or service. Companies are measured annually while products or services, are measured by their lifecycle. Obviously, in each case, different measuring systems are used. Always marked by the standards.
Register carbon footprint
For about a year ago, the Government of Spain created the Registry carbon footprint. This is managed by the Spanish Office for Climate Change. From this record, a company can apply for a calculation of its carbon footprint and analyze if is decreasing over time. If so you are awarded a badge that can be used and placed in different means to make it known.
How can we leave less trace?
Once we know about the carbon footprint we leave on our day to day, we can develop a strategy to reduce and compensate all trace that we leave.
The average of each individual person is at about 7 tons of CO2 annually. These figures are marked by the use we make every day of transport, car, motorcycle, plane, train … In addition, we add all the products we use every day as garbage bags, food, cans, clothing, furniture …
Behind each product there is a manufacturing process. In all the way to product consumption, CO2 is emitted.
A clear example was the one giving Heineken in 2012. This chart shows the percentage of GHG emitted by Heineken in the production of their beers looks.
To reduce our carbon footprint we can follow some tips:
Turn off devices that do not use
How often we see in all devices without lit places. You have to turn them off and unplug them because those little dots of light are little vampires consumption light.
Seeking alternatives to road
If you can avoid taking any transportation that generate greenhouse gases, it will be a major step to reduce your footprint. It is important to use means of transport that do not generate greenhouse gases. Such as cycling and walking.
efficient driving
If you have to drive, you’d better do it efficiently. This means that no des accelerating, which travel in gear and do not provoke stress on other drivers (this creates status changes in the conduct of third parties). There are also many other factors such as not using the air conditioner, wear well the tire pressure etc …
Heating to 21 degrees
The first well have sealed the house. With this we will make neither heat nor cold can not escape. The optimum temperature is 21 degrees in winter and 25 in summer.
Wash thoroughly
If you have to use the washing machine, always be better than you do at night time (provided they do not disturb the neighbors). Consumption will be less and spend less electricity. It is also good not wash in hot water as consumption increases. And if you put 2 washers week or less it is enough.
If you recycle aid. It is a way to prevent further separation and casting material. Moreover easier separation and no material land where wells are buried will be sent.
Kitchen efficiently
When cooking, you do not need to have everything on. The first is organized. Once you have the processes (I look like a computer lol) that you want to do, you’ll save time, electricity, gas and food in the kitchen.
Save water
Saving water also are contributing to the environment. When you shower off the tap. When you brush your teeth too. There is also a water footprint of which more later.
Give up smoking
It seems silly but appear annually more than 200,000 tons of CO2 directly into our atmosphere because of snuff. A frightening figure.
Plant trees
This is a good help to reduce our carbon footprint. Something as simple as this helps offset. If you want you can do it from here
The object
The global goal is for the average individual reaches 2 tons per year. A job that will cost because the awareness of all this is complicated. Yet we believe that gradually the awareness of sustainability and the environment will grow. The key is to be aware at all times of what is being done. In this way, surely we can all improve.
If you want to know what your impact, you can use this calculator
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